Testing of cosmetic product when suspecting allergy
This article has been translated from Finnish to English by Semantix. You can find the original article at the web adress https://www.kosmetiikka-allergia.fi/tietopankki/kayttotesti-kosmetiikka-allergiaa-epailtaessaKirjaudu
- Apply a small amount of the product to a healthy skin area of approximately 3 x 3 cm in your forearm.
- Apply the product in the same area in the morning and in the evening for one week.
- If the skin does not become irritated, you are not allergic to the product and can probably use it in other parts of the body.
- If the product causes you irritation or extreme itching, you should contact a dermatologist. Take the product with you for testing it.
Sometimes a week is not enough for testing. For better results, continue the test for 2–4 weeks.